Sunday, December 2, 2012

Thank You VIP Gifts

"Be who you are and say what you feel,
Because those who mind don't matter
And those who matter don't mind."
~Dr. Suess

With my home business I want to make sure to not forget the customers who have been loyal to me.  I am a huge believer in treating others as you would like to be treated and with my business that is no exception.
With December being the last month of the year I am creating VIP Care Packages for my loyal customers.  It may sound simple, but it's my way of showing that I thank them for their continued business throughout the year.  Any business needs customers to succeed and my home business is no exception.

If you do any type of home business or even for your co-workers, bosses or leaders at your job, the teachers at your children's school, even the postman ... all of these individuals make a difference in our lives throughout the year.  Saying thank you in a unique way is a small token of what we can do to appreciate them all.

I found these adorable gift boxes at my most frequented store, Target, (I should seriously start asking about stock options...) so I had to pick up a bunch to have on hand.  These are the perfect size to give a gift to my V.I.P. customers.

As always - any gift, small or large sends the same message: thank you.  Depending on what you want to give these types of boxes may or may not work.  However I did see that they had other sizes in the gift section. 

Does this step really need explanation?  Doubtful.  To dress it up just a bit I threw in some tinsel.  Doesn't everyone love tinsel this time of year?!

Now we just need a cute tag on the front.  You can buy pre-made tags at any hobby/craft store but I like to use what I have on hand when I can.  I took red construction paper and cut a tag shape with my paper cutter.

Dress up the tag with some fun stickers or embellishments. 

I used both letter stickers and a 'Thank You' stamp.  You can use a marker or ink pad on your stamp; I love the versatility of it.  I do this method often when making my own handmade cards and invitations.

Once you have your tag complete, stick to the front of the box.  Inside is a small card that I did a hand written message on to personalize my gifts for my individual customers.  

I'm not telling my VIP's about these.  I want it to be a surprise they are receiving them.  After all, the 'magic' of the holiday season is what really makes this time of year stand out.

Take the time to thank those people who contribute to you, your children or your friends.  A thank you goes a long way .... 


Crafter Level: Novice

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